
Dalai Lama sends message of support to Kadeer

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The Dalai Lama has sent a message of support to the subject of a controversial documentary screened at the Melbourne International Film Festival last night.

The film, The 10 Conditions of Love, documents the life of exiled Uighur leader Rebiya Kadeer. She is seen as a terrorist by the Chinese Government, which called for the film to be removed from the rundown of the film festival.

Federal Labor MP Michael Danby says he discussed Ms Kadeer with the Dalai Lama recently. "He asked me to convey to you in Melbourne that she is another one of the national leaders who is a paradigm of non-violence," he said. "He wanted to make it very clear to people that the claims of this woman being a violent person or instigating violence, is from his point of view, and with all of his authority, wrong."

There had been weeks of controversy in the lead-up to the film's screening, resulting in the film festival's website being hacked by Chinese protesters several times. The Chinese Government went to the extent of contacting Melbourne Lord Mayor Robert Doyle to have the screening thwarted.

Greens leader Bob Brown told those who saw the film last night that that he is waiting to meet the President of China. "We are in the presence with Rebiya Kadeer of an extraordinary powerful and motivating human being," he said. "I only look forward to the next visit to Canberra of President Hu Jintao, so that we can take it right up to him in Canberra, that it is time for your family and the people of East Turkistan to be free."

Ms Kadeer, speaking through an interpreter, last night said she is not the terrorist the Chinese Government makes her out to be. "I'm a mother, I'm a woman of peace, I have always been peacefully struggling for the freedom and human rights of the Uighur people, I will continue to do so peacefully, until the day when my people become free," she said.



Geheimer Rat Viper said...

Любопытно читать про поддержку которую оказали Рабие Кадыр в таких странах как Япония и Австралия зная при этом что Турция 2 раза отказывала ей в визе. Еще интересно почитать блоггеров - видимо считающих себя "тюрками" и "мусульманами" - но готовых сдать уйгуров ради дружбы с Китаем.

Türkmən Bayındır said...

Тебе ещё повезло, что этот комментарий не прочитали совки, иначе уже бы такой вой поднялся - аля "не трогай "НАШЕ", "НАШ" Тюркский мир самый лучший в мире, и тд."

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