
Hüseyn Cavid (1882-1941)

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С сегодняшнего дня начинаем новую рубрику под названием 'Календарь': знаменательные даты связанные с тюркской культурой и историей. Не обещаю что рубрика будет вестись постоянно но по возможности будем стараться.

Итак 24 октября:

24 октября 1882 года в Нахчыване родился выдающийся азербайджанский драматург и поэт Гусейн Джавид.


Huseyn Abdulla oglu Rasizadeh (Hüseyn Abdulla oğlu Rəsizadə) was born in 1882 to a family of a theologian in Nakhchivan in the Erivan Governorate. After completing his elementary education at a religious school in 1898 Javid pursued his mid-school education in the Maktab-i Tarbiya of Mashadi Taghi Sidgi. In 1899–1903 Huseyn Javid studied in the Talibiyya Madrasah in Tabriz. After obtaining a degree in literature at the Istanbul University in 1909 Javid worked as a teacher in Nakhchivan, Ganja and Tiflis, and starting from 1915 in Baku.

Huseyn Javid's first book of lyrical poems titled 'Keçmiş günlər' was published in 1913. However Javid was known more as a playwright. His philosophical and epic tragedies and family dramas introduce a new line of development in Azerbaijani literature. In his literary tragedy 'Şeyx Sənan' (1914), Huseyn Javid philosophized about the idea of a universal religion to lift inter-religious barrier between humans. His most famous creation, 'İblis' published in 1918, exposed all oppressive forces as the supporters of 'humans are wolves to each other' philosophy and 'the XX century cultural savages' and summarized them in the character of Satan. In his works Javid criticized any form of colonialism and oppression.

During the 1920s and 1930s Huseyn Javid authored a number of historical epics, such as 'Peyğəmbər' in 1922, 'Topal Teymur' in 1925, 'Səyavuş' in 1933, 'Xəyyam' in 1935.

Huseyn Javid wrote during the difficult time of Collectivization and Stalin purges in the Soviet Azerbaijan. In the worst times of totalitarianism he refused to serve as propagandist of 'revolutionary socialist achievements'. Javid was arrested in 1937 on trumped up charges of being a 'founding member of a counter-revolutionary group that was plotting an overthrow of the Soviet power'. His arrest was a part of the nationwide campaign of purge against intelligentsia. The Soviet government exiled Huseyn Javid to the Far East, where he died on 5 December 1941 in the city of Magadan.


Geheimer Rat Viper said...

Любопытно что разные источники дают порой разные годы рождения и смерти Джавида. Например:

Азербайджанская и английская Вики: 1882-1941
Чувашская и русская Вики: 1884-1944

В самом тексте английской Вики приводится дата рождения 1880 год. Такой же разнобой наблюдается и в других источниках. Какие даты являются верными?

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