
Hazara-Uzbek Wahdat-Junbish Alliance in Afghanistan

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Major points of the deal between the Hazara-Uzbek Wahdat-Junbish Alliance and Hamid Karzai in exchange of their support of the latter in Afghan presidential elections:

- Jaghoori and Behsood (two Hazara districts) be declared provinces.
- Second Vice President Be a Hazara.
- Hazara representation be declared 25% and Uzbek 15% officially.
- Nine Cabinet Ministers on Wahdat (5) and Junbish (4) recommendations.
- Balanced development and distribution of funds to all provinces.
- Highway from Kabul to Herat through Bamyan and Daikundi be constructed.
- Heads of some provinces and districts be appointed on Wahdat-Junbish recommendations.
- Kuchi issue be resolved.
- State promotion of Turko-Mongol languages and culture.

Addressing the gathering in West Kabul, Mohammad Mohaqiq (Hazara leader) said their Alliance took the demands to all presidential candidates and finally came to an understanding with Karzai. He added, if Karzai reelected with their votes, the Alliance will keep reminding him of his committment to Hazara and Uzbek rights that have been opressed throughout centuries in this country. Its worth mentioning, General Dostum's reinstatement as Chief of Army Staff was the first move by Karzai after the Wahdat-Junbish Alliance announced its support to him.


Geheimer Rat Viper said...

Довольно любопытная ситуация получается: хазарейцы и узбеки составляют ВМЕСТЕ 40% что больше чем пуштунов и таджиков ПО ОТДЕЛЬНОСТИ (где-то по 30%). Приятно что хазарейские и узбекские политики Афганистана поняли необходимость объединения и приятно что хазарейцы тянутся к своим тюрко-монгольским корням. Теперь этот альянс будут усиленно "ломать".

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