
Peacock Throne

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Знаменитый 'Павлиний трон' был создан по заказу императора Шах-Джахана (строителя не менее знаменитого Тадж-Махала). Праправнук великого Бабура взошел на 'Павлиний трон' 12 марта 1635 года. По самым консервативным оценкам 'Павлиний трон' стоил бы сегодня не менее 800 миллионов USD:

One cannot do better than quote the contemporary eye-witness Mughal Court-chronicler, Nizam-ud-din Bakshi, who wrote in AD 1635 "in the course of years many valuable gems had come into imperial jewel house (of the Mughal Emperors), each of which might serve as an ear-drop for Venus or could adorn the girdle of the Sun. Upon the accession of emperor Shah Jahan in AD 1628, it occurred to his mind that, in the opinion of far seeing men, the acquisition of such rare jewels and the keeping of such wonderful brilliants can only render one service, that of adorning the throne of the Empire. They ought, therefore to be put to such use that beholders might share and benefit by their splendour, and that His Majesty might shine with increased brilliancy.

It was, accordingly, ordered that, in addition to the jewels in the imperial jewel house, rubies, garnets, diamonds, rich pearls and emeralds in all weighing 230 kg should be brought for the inspection of the Emperor and they should be handed over to Bebadal Khan, the superintendent of the goldsmith’s department. There was also to be given to him 1150 kg of pure gold... The throne was to be three yards in length, two-and-a-half in breadth and five in height and was to be set with the above mentioned jewels. The outside of the canopy was to be of enamel work with occasional gems, the inside was to be thickly set with rubies, garnets and other jewels, and it was to be supported by 12 emerald columns.

On the top of each pillar there were to be two peacocks, thick-set with gems and between each two peacocks a tree set with rubies and diamonds, emeralds and pearls. The ascent was to consist of three steps set with jewels of fine water". Of the 11 jewelled recesses formed around it for cushions, the middle one was intended for the seat it for Emperor. Among the historical diamonds decorating it were the famous Kohinoor (186 carats), the Akbar Shah (95 carats), the Shah (88.77 carats), the Jehangir (83 carats) and the second largest spinel ruby in the world - the Timur ruby (283 carats). A twenty couplet poem by the Mughal poet-laureate Qudsi, praising the Emperor in emerald letters was embedded in the throne.
Предположительно в этот день ровно 270 лет назад 20 марта 1739 года Надир-шах Афшар в очередной войне тюркских династий взял столицу моголов Дели и затем увез 'Павлиний трон' домой (видимо в Мешхед) в качестве трофея. В 1747 году после гибели Надир-шаха трон попал в руки курдов. Курды трон сломали на части и распродали.


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