
Kazak woman is found to be 130 years old

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LOS ANGELES (MYFOX NATIONAL) - For the past few months, most believed that 114-year-old American Gertrude Baines was the world's oldest person. But now comes word that a woman living in Kazakhstan will turn 130 later this week. A recent census showed that Sakhan Dosova - a mother of 10 - was born on March 27, 1879, according to the Daily Mail. Records show she was also on Stalin's first census of the region in 1926 when her age was given as 47. Dosova, who said she's never visited a doctor nor eaten sweets, claims humor has allowed her to live so long. "I don't have any special secret," she said. "I've never taken pills and if I was ill, I used granny's remedies to cure me." Some Kazakh officials aren't sure of the validity of Dosova's age and are pressing for more detailed information, but Nailya Dosayeva, a Karaganga social and demographics official, said there is no doubt that her claim is authentic. "Sakhan Dosova was found during our census held in February and March. She has an old passport and documents which are genuine, and based on these we can judge her age as being correct." If Dosova's age is verified, she would become the oldest verified person in history (since records began being kept) replacing Frenchwoman Jeanne Calment (1875–1997, 122 years and 164 days old).

Во время переписи населения выяснилось, что самый пожилой житель Казахстана - Сахан Досова из Караганды. Увидевшая прапраправнуков бабушка Сахан отметит 27 марта свое 130-летие, и ей есть что сказать нынешней власти.



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