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Турецкий мракобес Аднан Октар по прозвищу 'Харун Яхья' заплатит 10 тысяч миллиардов лир (это 6.5 тысяч миллиардов американских долларов) любому человеку предъявившему ископаемые доказательства теории Дарвина.

Muslim creationist Adnan Oktar challenges scientists to prove evolution
The Guardian (UK)

Riazat Butt

As a poll reveals that more than a quarter of science teachers believe creationism should be taught alongside evolution, Oktar is offering an implausibly large reward to anyone who can point to a single fossil that proves evolution.

What he thinks, unashamedly and unapologetically, is that Darwin was lying and that there has been no evolution. He repeats this point throughout the interview. "Almost 100 million fossils have been unearthed so far. All of these show that plants, animals, humans and insects have never undergone evolution whatsoever and they were all created in the same way by God. We can see this fact in each fossil we come across. There is no fossil proving the contrary. If they can show one, I will reward them 10 trillion Turkish Lira [£4.4 trillion]."



Anonymous said...

Слышал это имя где-то раньше, но кто такой подробно не знал. Значит мракобес, так и есть, кто же еще будет такой ерундой заниматься ...

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