
Turanian Tiger

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The Caspian (Turanian) tiger was the westernmost subspecies of tiger found from Turkey to Mongolia until it became apparently extinct in the late 1950-es.

Wikipedia article
The Caspian Tiger at Tiger Territory
Recently Extinct Animals: Caspian Tiger

An extract from the site above:
The Russian government have worked heavily to eradicate the Caspian tiger during planning a huge land reclamation programme in the beginning of the 20th century. They considered there was no room for the tiger in their plans and so instructed the Russian army to exterminate all tigers found around the area of the Caspian Sea, a project that was carried out very efficiently sadly enough. Once the extermination of the Caspian tiger was almost complete the farmers followed, clearing forests and planting crops like rice and cotton. Due to intensive hunting and deforestation, the Caspian tiger retreated first from the lush lowlands to the forested ranges, then to the marshes around some of the larger rivers, and finally, deeper into the mountains, until it almost certainly became extinct. The last stronghold of the Caspian tiger in the former Soviet Union was in the Tigrovaya Balka area. Though the tigers were reported as being found here until the mid-1950s, the reliability of these claims is unknown.
Другими словами ответственность за истребление несчастного туранского тигра - впрочем как и за многие другие деяния на территории Турана - лежит однако на Москве.


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